Our communities, our institutions, and the world around us are struggling to respond to major challenges. Solutions to environmental, social, educational, health, economic and other issues often seem to elude our well-intended efforts. What if younger and older people joined forces in an intergenerational pact to make change? Younger people are looking ahead to the next decades of life with a sense of urgency about these issues. Older people are looking back at what has and hasn't worked mindful of their legacy. And all generations are rich with untapped ideas and energies. Join us and a panel of community members and educational partners to explore how we might bring generations together to spark innovation and make progress - beginning with a conversation about climate change and social justice.
View the entire video here.
A Conversation about Climate Change
Matthew Kaplan, Pennsylvania State University
Mick Smyer, Growing Greener
Shānna Pittman-Frank, SAGE (Senior Advocates for Generational Equity)
A Conversation about Social Justice
Shavel'le Olivier, Mattapan Food and Fitness Coalition
Carrie Andreoletti, Central Connecticut State University
Skye Leedahl, University of Rhode Island
RoseMary B. Fuss Center for Research on Aging
and Intergenerational Studies
Lasell University - Lasell Village
Encore Boston Network (EBN)
Intergenerational Learning, Research, & Community Engagement (ILRCE) Interest
Group of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
The Massachusetts Gerontology Association (MGA)